DIY kit for building your own PS Placeable - Please keep in mind if you want to do this with a PSP 3000 check if your mother board is a TA-095 you have to add that kit option so you can get the cable you need. Please check the last two pictures to see if you have a TA-095 board.
Key Information: You can print your own shell using the STL files for sale in the shop, or you can add a shell to your cart from the shop. If you buy the STL files and any ribbon cable option of the PCB you will get the extra needed hardware for assembly.
There are a few key options when looking to buy kits. Please take a look at the pictures and read each choice carfully. Take a look at our build guides to see what work is needed if you plan to solder yourself. We have some common questions as well on the FAQ page but the build guides will help the most.
We also sell the printed shells if you would like to buy those click here.
Option contents: - All options come with ESP32 already installed -
Just PCB - {is just the PCB}
PCB + Ribbon cables (you solder) {
- 2K - One 14 + Two 10 pin FFC + Special adapter flex cable
- 3K - One 14, 10, 7 and, 4 pin FFC + Special Flex cable if you have a TA0-95 psp motherboard ( see last pictures)- If you buy this option and add the STL files to your order I will include the extra hardware. ie. 4 base screws, 8 magnets, 4 rubber feet, 1 blue LED. :)
(These are the required ribbon cables to connect whichever model you chose. You will have to supply a PSP power in cable from your own psp. The last picture shows one soldered on my work bench. Our build guides will walk you though how to do that. here)
Full Kits (I solder it for you) {- PCB
- Above mentioned ribbon cables and adapter cable if 2K
- Power in cable for PSP cut and soldered to extension wires, then to the main board for power.- Soldered external LED to be mounted in the printed shell.
- None of these options include the above mentioned printed shell you must add that to your cart seperatly or print your own using the avalible STL files.
(With this kit all you have to do is plug in the ribbon cables and assemble the PS Placeable in the shell you buy or print on your own . ) }
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PriceFrom $39.99
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