Stephens web app
You will want to go to Stephens web app. This host both all of the updates, button mappings, and any other blue tooth functionality. You can click here to go to the site. The link is also in the header and footer of our site here.
Plug your BT PCB in
Use the micro USB port on the mod board connecting the cable to your PC or device you are using to get to the web app. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT CONNECT THE PSP POWER AT THE SAME TIME. This only applies if you have a soldered board with the PSP power port already connected.
One thing noticed in testing. Make sure you hear your computer or device chime when connecting the mod board. Some micro USB cables do not transfer date so your PC may not find it if using one of those cables. Hearing the chime is a good way to know it has connected to your PC.
Possible errors while flashing
We want to warn anyone against refreshing the browser or closing it during the flashing process. It it possible to permanently damage the ESP. All ESP's will be tested and confirmed working when ordered see refund policy for more information. PLEASE BE CAREFUL. Click next when ready.
Take a second to check the buttons.
You can keep the mod board plugged into micro USB to test the on board buttons. If you press mode the LED should blink twice and pause in a repeated pattern. If you hold mode for two seconds it should blink 3 times in a pattern. If you see this you are ready to move on to the next guide.